Become a sponsor of
Concerts in the dark!

The Concert

When you hear your favorite song and close your eyes, thats when you start to feel the music and understand the real meaning of the song – in the dark and quiet times.

This concert is not a common concert. It’s not about the coolest look of the artist, the craziest festival outfits or the best dance moves. Without all the outside impact, you start to feel the music again and observe how your body and mind replies to it.

Why Sponsor?

Becoming a sponsor of Concerts in the dark gives you an opportunity to showcase your company’s brand and services to the music industry and a large range of people who are interested in live music.
By sponsoring concerts you allow us to create new exciting shows, which hasn’t been seen before along the Northern Beaches area and all Sydney. Support a local business and become part of something completely new!

Sponsorship Opportunity

Concert Sponsor (max 3 per concert) – $300

Sponsor one of the concerts and be shown on all advertisement material as a Concert Sponsor.
The following entitlements are included:

  • listed as sponsor with logo in sponsor section on website
  • „supported by“ in the description on Facebook and ticketshop
  • 1 individual post on Facebook and Instagram as sponsor (incl. logo and link to sponsor website/social media) – content will be discussed (discounts and advertisement possible)
  • Logo on cover picture of the event ticketshop
  • Logo on all other marketing materials like poster, flyer
  • introduction in newsletter as sponsor of the event
  • Onsite „Sponsor table“ – product samples, flyer and/or business cards for all guests of the concert (need to be provided by the sponsor)


You are interested to become a sponsor? Do you have any questions about sponsoring the concert?

Please feel free to contact us!

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